Appropriation, remediation, bricolage: some remarks on the crisis of identity paradigm

Keywords: Appropriation, Remediation, Bricolage, Device, Creativity.


There is a responsibility of the enunciative voice beyond its moves towards objectification, desolidarization, bricolage or even taking as it is the “breathed” semiosphere. At the same time, endorsing the position that a media is always a mediation of mediations does not allow us to avoid the task of understanding the paradoxical appropriation of a media from another one. The appropriation process shows that there are still risks to be taken in the intermedial relationship, which puts it in conflict with the flat usage which only relates to coded roles or enslaved to instrumental reason. This paper proposes some theoretical proposals in a synthetic presentation founded on the notion of re-mediation and aims to reopen the thinking around the notion of bricolage at the intersection of institutionalization of meaning and creativity of speech acts.

Author Biography

Pierluigi Basso Fossali, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Département de Sciences du Langage