Expo Milano 2015

espaço midiático para o branding urbano

  • Flavio Lins Rodrigues
  • Maria Helena Carmo dos Santos
  • Ana Teresa Gotardo UERJ / UFF


The Universal Exhibitions configure themselves as media space within the urban branding projects which aim to create a brand for the city to make it be consumed as a commodity. From this perspective, this article presents the Expo Milano 2015, a six months-mega event, in which 150 countries took part and which attracted 21 million visitors. Despite the problems associated with this mega event (demonstrations of the inhabitants of the city, gentrification, for example), the Expo Milano has been considered successful from the marketing point of view. The vision of the city as a marketing product, however, is also the construction of the "ideal" city that seldom takes into account the several subjects and subjectivities that are part of it.
