Methods of Education for the Ecology Discipline:

  • Caroline Maria Allein Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Diesse Aparecida de Oliveira Sereia Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Ecology is a subject present in many different courses’ syllabi, including Biological Sciences. Aspects regarding the relation between the environment and organisms are addressed in Ecology. The employment of diverse teaching methodologies and seeking for new possibilities make Ecology teaching more attractive to university students, thus, a better understanding of the subject will promote the education of future critical and competent professionals. The teaching methodologies are the means used by the teachers that will allow the students comprehend the subject content. The objectives of this work were focused on researching and analyzing teaching methodologies as suggestions that can be used in Ecology classes. The research used as a methodological process a survey of the literature through books, articles and studies related to teaching methodologies characterized by a bibliographical research with a qualitative approach to data. As a result, 17 teaching methodologies were analyzed and described. It is concluded that the choice of various teaching methodologies is a means of welcoming the heterogeneity of the student group and providing a learning process with quality to all. More studies on this subject become necessary for teachers to know more about teaching methodologies.

How to Cite
ALLEIN, C.; SEREIA, D. Methods of Education for the Ecology Discipline:. CADERNOS DE PESQUISA: PENSAMENTO EDUCACIONAL, v. 14, n. 38, p. 123-140, 28 nov. 2019.